Friday, December 30, 2011

January 7th: Tuition is Due. After the 7th it is late & there will be a $10.00 fee.

Up coming payments:

Costume payment of $60 Due by February 16th In order to perform costume will need to be purchased. (If your dancer is in more than one class they can perform in all classes costume will need to be purchased for each class, or pick just one class to perform with just let the office know.) If payment is late add a $10 late fee and no costumes will be able to be ordered after February 23rd.

Recital Fee of $30 Due April 19th (if you have 3 or more dancers take $5 off per dancer. )

Dates to mark on your calendar:

Mandatory-Studio Picture day - May 2nd 5:30pm -7:30pm ( your are not required to purchase pictures but we do ask that everyone is there so for those that do purchase pictures have everyone in their group photo.)

Mandatory- Spring Dress rehearsal- Monday May 7th from 5pm-7pm at Dancin It Up

Assembly at Foxboro Elementary - May 11th performance time 9:15am

(Dancers will need to arrive at 8:30am)

Dance Recital @ Woods Cross High - May 29th performance time 7:00pm

(Dancers will need to arrive at 6:00 pm)

We now offer preschool see information below:

Register early for 2012-2013 preschool year and get August free.

Classes offered:

4 year old classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Cost $90.00

3 year old classes Tuesday, Thursday

9:30 am - 11:30 am

Cost: $75.00

Registration Fee: $40.00 per student (non-refundable)

We would love to offer a 4 day a week class 9:00 am - 12:00 pm cost would be $120 a month. This class would be available for the 3 1/2 - 5 year olds, Please let us know if you are interested. If we get enough signed up we will open one up. Till then register for our 3 day a week and we will switch you over if the class opens up.

*** If classes start filling up then afternoon classes will be offered!***

(1:00-3:00 pm)

Friday, December 2, 2011

December 13th: Instead of regular classes all Tuesday classes will come from 5:30-6 to show their christmas routine. Please have dancers arrive @ 5:20 Dressed in a normal class attire in the color black. Have them wear their normal shoes they wear for class.

December 14th: Instead of regular classes all Wednesday classes will come from 5:30-6 to show their christmas routine. Please have dancers arrive @ 5:20 Dressed in a normal class attire in the color black. Have them wear their normal shoes they wear for class.

For this show you may invite anyone that would want to come and watch. The show is short and will be standing their will be no chairs. Space is limited

December 20th -31st: The studio is closed