Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Point Competition 2011

Congrats to our COMP TEAMS!

They had their first competition of the year at Thanksgiving Point...... we are so proud of all 3 of our teams!!!! Little Cubs (Sophomores) got 2nd place with their Jazz routine, Cubs (Juniors) got 2nd place with their Jazz routine, Panthers (Seniors) got 1st place with their Jazz routine and 3rd place with their Lyrical. They all did such a good job! All their hard work paid off! :)
We are so excited for our next Competition in March.

Little Cubs:
Shay, Kenlie, Olivia, Kaylan

Mrs. Jess and the Girls! They won 2nd place!

Laura, Kylie, Hannah, Analyse

Mrs. Cami and the girls!
They won 2nd place!

~Jazz Dance~

~Lyrical Dance~

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