Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cuts for Cami

We at Dancin' It Up had the honor of hosting "Cuts for Cami" on August 14th 2010

Cami Carver is a 4 year old little girl who is such a sweet spirited, fun and loving little girl. She danced with us last year on our Sophomore Competition team, she was also taking summer classes with us this year but on July 10, 2010, Cami Carver was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. To read more about Cami's story check out

Cami had a "Bake Sale" and loved every minute of it

We had such a great turn out at "Cuts for Cami" We had 11 hair stylist come and donate their time and talents to cut, trim and buzz people's hair from 1:00-6:00pm

We were hoping for a lot of people to come and support this cause but we couldn't have ever dreamed of the many people, friends and family that came out that day to SUPPORT Cami. We cant wait until next years, Cuts for Cami!

Cami loved trying on NEW hats and scarfs that day!!!!

The BIGGEST moment of the day........

Cami got to "BUZZ" her daddy (Pat's) hair and then it was
his turn to do it to her!
Caden, Cami's little brother got in on the action too!
Cami's Turn!
How cute are they! Caden, Chelsea, Cami and Pat

Cami is such a beautiful little girl, inside and out! After she saw her NEW do she said, "Who needs hair anyway!" This day was an event that we will NEVER forget! We feel so privilege that we were able to be apart of it all!

We are accepting donations at the studio for Cami and her family to help with the medical expenses....also please check out her blog at
We love you Cami and cant wait to see your cute smile back at dance!

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