Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bountiful Handcart Days Parade

Friday July 23rd 2010

Parade Route:

Main Street from
1500 South to 400 North,
then west to 100 West

Time: Please have the girls be there at 4:30pm

We will know the order of the Parade the week of July 20-23. So please have your child(ren) in class that week so that they can get a flyer with all the needed information as well as their Parade Costume. If you are unable to make it that week to class then please check our Facebook page and/or Blog to find out the information and see Cami at the Parade at 4:20pm for your Costume.

The Parade begins at 6:00pm

If you have any questions please call Cami at 801-635-5450. Thank you!

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